We live in a universe full of stars, and those stars emit light. That light takes time to reach us, years for the closest stars. Now due to the effects of time dilation light doesn't technically age, but from our perspective it does have a travel time, if that confuses you don't worry, it is confusing. I wanted to know which stars light had taken the same amount of time to get here as I've been alive on their Earth (for pedants this is from the perspective of little old me sitting on a rock going round the Sun). So I wrote some code to pull information from the HYG database and do the calculations.

If you are interested in doing the same you can grab the database as a csv, plonk it in the same folder as this little script. Run the script with python as:

python birthstar.py DD/MM/YYYY

So me being born on the 11th of May in 1983 I run

python birthstar.py 11/05/1983

So go ahead and out which stars light has been traveling as long as you've been breathing.

UPDATE: Hey cool! Seems I'm not the only person to have this idea. VSauce covered a website that would do this for you. Sadly the link is now dead, so I guess my python script will have to do for now.